Hormone Replacement Therapy
by b:Rare Health

The safe and private HRT recommended and prescribed by doctors and pharmacists.

For men 30 and over wanting to maintain/regain their physical strength, appearance, energy, libido and sexual performance.


Mobile Blood Draw

Our blood tests measures over 60 different markers to identify your current health baseline, areas of concern, and therapeutic solutions.


Physician Consultation & Physical Exam

During your consultation, your
doctor will discuss your treatment options.

Get Started Today!

The Men's Perform Program:

Testosterone-based Hormone Replacement Program


A personalized hormone-boosting program designed to keep you performing at your physical and mental peak.

  • Best prescribing practices

  • Highly absorbent & bioavailable topical testosterone cream

  • Adjustments to prescription based on feedback and labs

  • No needles, less hassle

  • Convenient, remote management


Symptoms hormone balancing and replacement can help treat or alleviate include:

  • Improved exercise recovery and muscle gain

  • More strength and stamina

  • Improved bone density

  • Improved metabolism and reduced visceral fat

  • Improved muscle tone

  • Improved libido and arousal

  • Improved energy throughout the day


Best Prescribing Practices


Personalized Prescriptions


Needle-free Treatments


Convenient Remote Management

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Blood Test + Physical Exam

Blood test with over 60 different markers including:

  • Red and White Blood Cell Health

  • Kidney and Liver Health

  • Testosterone, Estrogen, and Thyroid Hormone Balance

  • Blood Chemistry and Blood Glucose

In-office Physical Exam

30-minute consultation with a board certified doctor



Get Started Today! Treatment plans starting at $199/month 


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Speak to a b:Rare Consultant

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To learn more about the Hormone Replacement Therapy & associated wellness programs, enter your information below.