Hormone Replacement Therapy from b:Rare Health

The safe and private HRT program recommended by doctors and pharmacists.


For women experiencing menopausal and perimenopausal symptoms


Get started now by scheduling your mobile blood draw and doctor consultation.



Get Started Today!

Hormone Replacement Therapy begins with a comprehensive mobile blood test and doctor consultation.


Our blood tests measures over 60 different markers for both men and women to identify your current health baseline and identify areas of concern and therapeutic solutions.

During your consultation, your
doctor will discuss your treatment options. 


The Women's Reestor Program:

Hormone Balancing and Replacement Program


A personalized hormone program designed to restore and balance a woman's hormone levels and reduce her troubling peri- menopausal and menopausal symptoms.


  • Best prescribing practices

  • Customized prescriptions

  • Bio-identical & naturally-derived hormone formulas

  • High-touch, low burden, & convenient care


Symptoms hormone balancing and replacement can help treat or alleviate include:

  • Hot flashes

  • Night sweats

  • Chills

  • Mood swings, mood lability, and depression

  • Weight gain & slowed metabolism

  • Loss of muscle tone and bone density

  • Vaginal dryness & pain during intercourse

  • Trouble with arousal and libido

  • Insomnia & trouble sleeping

  • Brain fog

  • Thinning skin & thinning or dry hair


Best Prescribing Practices


Personalized Prescriptions


Needle-free Treatments


Convenient Remote Management


Learn more about private and safe solutions


Hormone Replacement Therapy

Blood Test + Physical Exam

Blood test with over 60 different markers including:

  • Red and White Blood Cell Health

  • Kidney and Liver Health

  • Testosterone, Estrogen, and Thyroid Hormone Balance

  • Blood Chemistry and Blood Glucose

In office physical exam


30-minute consultation a board-certified doctor


Get Started Today! Personalized treatment plans starting at $199/month 


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Speak to a b:Rare Consultant

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